A.M. Best



Superior ability to meet ongoing insurance obligations (second highest of 16 ratings; rating held since June 2009)

Standard & Poor's


Very Strong

Very strong financial security characteristics (third highest of 21 ratings; rating held since July 2013)



Very Strong

Very strong capacity to meet policyholder and contract obligations on a timely basis (third highest of 21 ratings; rating held since June 2009)




Excellent financial security (fourth highest of 21 ratings; rating held since February 2009)*

Comdex Ranking


out of


The Comdex Ranking is a composite of all the ratings a company has received from the major rating agencies. It ranks insurers on a scale of 1 to 100 (where 1 is the lowest) in an effort to reduce confusion over ratings because each rating agency uses a different scale.

* The Lafayette Life Insurance Company is not rated by Moody's.


Ratings are subject to change from time to time. The ratings shown here are correct as of 07/30/2017.

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