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Western & Southern Makes Record Donation to The Salvation Army

Western & Southern Financial Group •
Check presentation photo

Western & Southern Financial Group presented The Salvation Army a record-breaking check from its charitable foundation in the amount of $134,572.30. Each year, the Western & Southern Financial Fund matches donations made by visitors to the annual Crib of the Nativity display in Eden Park. This year, visitor donations totaled $67,286.15. More than 57,800 people visited the nativity display during the 2024 holiday season.

This year’s donation makes it the largest in the more than 30 years in which Western & Southern’s foundation has matched donations collected at the nativity display. This 2024 donation is 6.5% higher than last year and the result of heartfelt generosity from 57,849 visitors during the holiday season. In total, the Crib of the Nativity has generated $1.04 million in funding support to The Salvation Army to benefit the citizens of Cincinnati.

"The Crib of the Nativity display continues to be a source of inspiration and hope for many of us every holiday season," said John F. Barrett, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Western & Southern Financial Group, during the check presentation at The Salvation Army.

"Our company is honored to help our community and give from the heart just as so many generous Cincinnatians do time and time again. This kind of support is so crucial to helping The Salvation Army continue its efforts to make a difference every day for our neighbors in need."

Western & Southern started the Crib of the Nativity in 1939 in Lytle Park. It moved to Union Terminal during World War II then eventually moved to Eden Park. It quickly became a popular attraction at Christmastime, as visitors of all ages enjoyed the realistic nativity scene with live animals. In 1993, Western & Southern Financial Group’s foundation began matching the monetary gifts made by those visiting the display.