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Emerging Markets Debt Strategy

The Emerging Markets (EM) Debt strategy’s investment objective is to outperform the JPMorgan EMBI Global Diversified benchmark by actively managing a diversified portfolio of hard currency emerging market sovereign credit and opportunistically investing in emerging market corporate and local currency debt.

  • Mainly USD denominated bonds of sovereign, quasi-sovereign, and EM corporates 
  • Competitive performance versus peers and benchmark
  • Heavy emphasis on evaluating government policy
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EM Sovereign Debt / Hard Currency


JPM EMBI Global Diversified


July 1, 2013


$296 Million


As of 9/30/2024

Emerging Markets Fixed Income – Hard Currency


Separate Account

Commingled Fund



The team believes government policy is one of the most influential long-term drivers for emerging markets fixed income assets due to its effects on politics, economics, and markets. Thoroughly evaluating policy direction and its implications allows us to better analyze and forecast fundamental trends over our investment horizon. Fundamental country research is paired with regional and global views as well as relative value analysis to identify suitable securities within our risk tolerance. 

Portfolio Construction

  • Invests primarily in securities of public and private sector non-U.S. issuers
  • Debt instruments may include corporate bonds, U.S. Government securities, foreign government securities, asset-based securities, and other obligations to repay borrowed money
  • Maximum of 10% in any one issuer
  • Maximum of 10% in any one country allocation 
  • Maximum corporate sector allocation of 20%
  • Maximum local currency allocation of 10%

Management Team

Daniel Carter

Daniel J. Carter, CFA

Managing Director, Senior Portfolio Manager

Career Summary
Ohio Casualty Group
Provident Financial Group

BS - Miami University

Meet Daniel Carter
Bojan Vidosevic

Bojan Vidosevic, CFA

Assistant Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Senior Credit Analyst

Career Summary
JP Morgan Chase

BS - Miami University
MBA - University of Chicago

Meet Bojan Vidosevic
Brian Cloutier

Brian D. Cloutier, CFA

Assistant Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Senior Credit Analyst (Latin America)

Career Summary
Akemi Capital 
Aragain Capital Management 

BS - Carnegie Mellon University
MBA - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Meet Brian Cloutier

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