Touchstone Investments has been ranked as one of Barron’s Best Fund Families of 2023. Out of 49 companies, Touchstone was ranked No. 5, moving up 37 spots from No. 42 in 2022.
Barron's Best Fund Families is an annual ranking that evaluates mutual fund families based on their performance and consistency over the past year. The annual Barron's ranking assesses the asset-weighted performance of firms’ actively managed funds as compared to their peers using data from Refinitiv Lipper. Of the 819 asset managers in Lippers’ global database, which includes over 335,000 share classes in mutual funds, closed-end funds, ETFs and others, just 49 fund families met Barron’s performance criteria. Of those, Touchstone ranked fifth for one-year returns (ending Dec. 31, 2023), ninth for five-year returns and 11th for 10-year returns.
This solid investment performance is a strong indicator of the kind of results Touchstone’s Distinctively Active asset management approach can deliver to its investors. The ranking considers various factors, including the returns of the fund portfolios, risk-adjusted returns, and other performance metrics. The evaluation aims to provide investors with insights into which fund families have demonstrated strong performance and management skills over the specified period.
About Touchstone
Touchstone Investments is a Distinctively Active fund company committed to providing investors with access to strategies sub-advised by institutional asset managers. It employs an integrated and rigorous process for identifying and partnering with highly-skilled asset managers with organizational stability, quality personnel, strong adherence to investment discipline and solid infrastructure. These attributes constitute what Touchstone holds to be the necessary elements of repeatable and competitive results over time. Touchstone advocates a robust approach when constructing portfolios that use only active strategies or employ active strategies to complement passive ones. This philosophy has produced a diverse but focused product offering that gives investors a full breadth of investment options across styles and asset classes, including U.S. equity, international equity, income and multi-asset funds.
Source: Barron's, "Best Fund Families of 2023." February 29, 2024
The 2023 Barron’s Best Fund Families List ranks the active management ability of qualifying companies. Rankings are based on the asset-weighted one-year returns as of 12/31/23, excluding 12b-1 fees and sales loads, of a company’s actively managed fund line up in five asset class categories: US Equity, World Equity, Mixed Asset, Taxable Bond, and Tax-Exempt Bond as determined by Barron’s. Overall ranking based on aggregate, weighted score across the five asset categories. To be included, firms must offer at least three actively managed mutual funds or active exchange-traded funds in Refinitiv Lipper’s general US stock category, plus one in world equity and one mixed-asset—such as balanced, or allocation fund. They also need to offer at least two taxable bond funds and one national tax-exempt bond fund. Performance data from Refinitiv Lipper. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Touchstone Funds are distributed by Touchstone Securities, Inc.
A registered broker-dealer and member FINRA/SIPC.
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Touchstone Investments Ranks No. 5 on Barron’s Best Fund Families of 2023
Touchstone Investments •