The American Opportunity Index (AOI) conducted an independent review of Fortune 500 companies and how they help employees grow their careers. Of the 396 ranked companies, Western & Southern was No. 29.
According to its site, “the American Opportunity Index measures how well America’s largest companies drive economic mobility and positive career outcomes for their employees.” The AOI measured 396 Fortune 500 companies over five years and ranked them based on how well they “maximize their internal talent to drive business performance and individual employee growth.” Companies were evaluated on five metrics – hiring, pay, promotion, parity and culture.
AOI scores were calculated using various criteria, including promotions employees received, employee satisfaction, wages and pay increases and company culture. AOI is unique in that it “does not rely upon data provided or self-reported by companies. Instead, it is based on objective external sources.” Western & Southern received a grade of 4 – the highest possible – in the promotion and pay categories. It was one of only 21 companies to earn a four in both categories.
Western & Southern was ranked No. 2 among the 37 companies in the “insurance” industry to make the top 100. Western & Southern’s commitment to career growth is further evidenced by its strategic initiatives and other distinctions that demonstrate the focus they place on the people within their organization, including the Association of Talent Development’s BEST award, Training magazine’s APEX award, Pensions and Investments’ Best Places to Work list, VIQTORY’s Military Friendly Employer designations and Forbes’ America’s Best Employers by State list. As Western & Southern continues to evolve, its dedication to employee development remains a cornerstone of its success.
“This ranking is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our associates, as well as our unwavering commitment to cultivating a culture that fuels career development and advancement,” said John F. Barrett, chairman, president and chief executive officer. “We invest in our people and understand that we must continue to provide our associates with resources and support to help them grow and continue to succeed together.”
About the American Opportunity Index
The American Opportunity Index is a groundbreaking ranking of how well companies maximize their internal talent to drive business performance and individual employee growth. Unlike most measures of employer performance, the Index is based on real-world outcomes, assessing the progress of millions of workers by tracking the progress of their individual careers. The Index measures hiring and promotion practices, pay, race and gender parity, and cultural components such as retention and whether companies hire their leaders internally. This ranking is rooted in the belief that when employers enable the full potential of their people—by providing good jobs and opportunities for advancement—their business does better. In recognizing the companies where workers and firms thrive symbiotically, and showing the areas where each company can continue to improve, we seek to spark a new focus on sustainable talent management across American businesses. The American Opportunity Index is a joint project of the Burning Glass Institute, the Managing the Future of Work Project at Harvard Business School, and the Schultz Family Foundation. Explore the Index and see who’s leading the way at:
Western & Southern Financial Group Ranked No. 29 on List of Best Companies for Career Growth by the American Opportunity Index
Western & Southern Financial Group •